Help & FAQ

We've gathered up Nekojiman's most common questions.

About Nekojiman

What is Nekojiman?
Nekojiman is a “Communication site of cat pictures”, where you can enjoy submitting and viewing cat pictures.
Submit a lot of cat pictures, leave a “Meow!”, write a comment, and communicate with users that you've listed as your favorite.
First cat punch, stomach full of milk, playing with their own tail...
When spending time with your precious kitty, the smiles, soothing moments, and surprises never end.
A place that will make life with cats more fun.
That's the kind of place we're aiming for with Nekojiman.
Does it cost money?
You can use all the features of Nekojiman for free.
What can I do by registering as a member?
Even without become a member you can view cat pictures.
However, once you join as a member you enjoy a wider range of abilities, you can begin to submit your own cat pictures, and save other's pictures as favorites.
In addition to that, you can gather your pictures into “Albums”, you can send “messages” to your friends, and use a variety of other features.

Submitting cat pictures

How can I submit cat pictures?
In order to submit cat pictures, you must first register to be a Nekojiman member.
Once you log in with your registration information, you can submit pictures by clicking on the “Submit” area of the navigation menu.
How do I submit cat pictures?
You can submit cat pictures you've taken within seconds.
Select a “cat picture”, give it a “title,” and write a “comment” from your heart, then click the “publish” button.
Just like that, your picture will be seen by many people as a “New photograph”.
However, new pictures are eventually buried.
In order to make sure your cat pictures are seen by as many people as possible, be sure to add a “Category” and “Tags” (keywords).
You can edit your submitted cat pictures at any time.
First, try submitting a cat picture, anyone will do.
What are categories and tags?
On Nekojiman, you can use “Keyword search”, “Category list”, or “Tag cloud” to narrow your search.
When submitting cat photograph, you should always set a category and tag (in other words “keywords”), so your kitty can easily be found by new people.
What's an Album?
Try creating an album when you have a lot of pictures that fall into the same category.
You can use it to record your cat's progress, make a story in a 4 panel comic format, you can do whatever comes to mind.
Albums don't have to be only your pictures, you can include pictures submitted by other people as well.
What kind of files can I submit?
You can submit “JPG”, “GIF”, or “PNG” files to Nekojiman.
The respective extensions becomes “. jpg /.jpeg” “.gif” “.png”.

View cat pictures

What's a “Meow!”?
You can rate pictures submitted to Nekojiman by clicking “Meow!”.
You can add one “Meow” to a picture each day.
If you see a picture and think to yourself “how cute” or “how funny” you should try clicking “Meow!”.
What's a “Meow!” Member?
When someone clicks “Meow!” on one of your pictures, you can check who they are.
Spread “Meow!” and widen your circle of communication.
If you see a “Meow!” member who looks interesting, give their page a visit.
What's a favorite?
When you find a picture you want to see again later, it is recommend that you mark is as a “favorite”.
In the “My page” area you can check your favorite cat pictures anytime.
What's Ranking?
You can check out the current popular cats by clicking on the “popular pictures”, “popular albums”, or “popular cat stars”.
A cat pictures popularity is based on the amount of “Meow!”s, favorites, and other criteria.

Other questions

RSS doesn't display correctly
The default for the browser “Google Chrome” is set to not detect RSS feeds. To make the RSS feed display properly, you must download and install an extension.


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