Sibling Cats
Sometimes sibling cats practice hunting by fighting.
When kittens are about 3 weeks old, they begin to play with their siblings. It starts as light playing, but gradually gets more complicated as they start to chase, bite, and stalk each other. It eventually builds into a full on grappling fight. In reality, this kind of play encompasses all the required skills for hunting, and naturally allows them to improve their skill. However, they don't only do this kind of play for hunting practice. Playing with their sibling like this allows them to build a closer friendship.
- ヤン・ムー=タン(通称ヤム)
2011.09.12 2,758
- 土居雅代(通称どいのさん)
2011.09.12 3,368
- ホルピア(ホルン+ピアノ)
2011.09.03 2,994
- モカ (ぉ姉ちゃん)
2011.08.03 2,640
弟思いの ぉ姉ちゃん。
- 【えこねこ】のりつぐ君
2011.08.02 2,772
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